
Masks and chameleons

I have been wondering, what is exactly the point of time when one gets so bored with him- or herself that there is no other way than ripping off all masks. Also, could there be beneficial masks, too, I mean that could it be that a person would be better off if the mask would never be stripped?
The process is hell-of-a-scary anyway.

Anyhow I think the only way to learn something about self is to go really deep in one's self on soul level, and  no masks fit in there. Strip all, good and bad. Who am I without any perception, without any learned or accepted model to act, without a hint of any gain to be achieved in a situation where I am used to acting in a certain way to gain something, without any role I have been carrying my whole life?

We wear masks due to various even unknown reasons I suppose. We are too afraid of being here as we deeply are, vulnerable, hurtful, heart open, in the moment, filled with love, sensitivity and hope for good. Masks make us strong, fitting, acceptable, admirable, worth pursuing, by most of the society's norms anyway.  Masks make us unbeatable. Mask is ran by ego. Ego is not very constructive, to say the minimum.

What if everybody was allowed to be broken, not perfect, not beautiful, not fit, not having it all.
What if it was OK just be perfect you, just by being entire you?

I started thinking about chameleons as well. Chameleon is kind of a master in wearing a mask. It can adapt and change to any environment and circumstance by fitting in. How truthful is that when a person does that?
Why do we sell our soul so cheap? What is the price of not being true you?

You tell me.

Deepak Chopra has said: There comes a time when we are not happy until we know who we are.

And until we know that, how can we attract any person or any thing real in our lives?


Law of Attraction

I have been a firm advocate talking about the law of attraction in peoples' lives. I firmly want to believe that once you open up your heart and let it flow while having your intention clear and pure, things start flowing towards you. You just need to be open to grasp them at that point. Sometimes you don't even have to grasp as they step on your toes.

I have been asking from Universe a clear sign that this is happening in my life, too. As a person whose brain is taught to be overvalued, I am a bit blind when it comes to my own stuff. (As if there was no proof enough for myself thinking my life a bit over 2 years back and now :-) :-)). But anyway.

So, this has somehow been actively in my mind recently, and I have been pondering about it a lot.

I need to tell you about yesterday.

In the morning I figured that my tiny fantastic dog had pooped on my white carpet downstairs (and with stomach problem). I already earlier had thought that my carpets would need a bit refreshing, meaning that I should go and find some new ones. I have been living without or with old ones from my summer house for a year now, because of the dog. I was thinking how to get motivated enough to go to a carpet store (not my biggest motivation source, and I have not bought them yet in the internet, which I do a lot for other stuff) and how to finance it as carpets are not that cheap. Dragging the formerly white carpet out after trying to wash it, the doorbell rang. And voilá, there was a carpet seller, believe it or not. He was cmoning from a fair, had some carpets left, and was travelling to Switzerland. He said he needs to pay taxes of the unsold carpets he was carrying so he did not want to take any back and wanted just to get rid of them with a reasonable price. So I made a great deal, bought two carpets I just needed and was happy. Easy !

Then another secular thing from yesterday, I had been actively wondering that I would really need to practise tennis with male company as well in order to improve. In the evening I just out of the blue had a question from a friend's brother whether I would need a training buddy. YES I NEED ONE, thank you!!  So that was clear and set.

These are very practical examples of the mind's power in the universe. Conincidence? Hmmmmm. I have read that coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous. I can believe that.

Also yesterday I thought how blessed I am with my about to start active new career, all incredible people I have attracted to my life somehow, all incredible circles I am honoured to be part of, you name it. This was also something I have been actively dreaming into being for a longer time and suddenly I have it. How "weird" is that? <3

And my other big "secret" dreams? ;-)   I will let you know what happens next :-).


About love

Privileged, and blessed, are those, who may experience and give unconditional love. I think it is the most lacking ingredient in life of people nowadays. We try to fill the void with everything imaginable: food, sports, stuff, money, crazy hours at work, alcohol, parties... you name it. And behind everything, if you dare to look at it, is the craving of being held, being nourished, being loved just as you are. Bare you. Without accomplishments, without titles, without anything special, except special you.

It is difficult as we are so conditioned from the childhood (or earlier) that we are good and accepted only on certain conditions: if you get good grades at school; if you are a good girl; if you behave; if you sacrifice, if you are nice; if you don't stand out; if you do as all others do; if you just... the list is endless. It is difficult to learn to receive love as you may never really had it from outside or learned to love yourself inside . And difficult to give love as you never experienced it.

How to connect to the source within? This is where it all begins. Once you realize you can love yourself fully and unconditionally, the rest follows. Loving yourself and appreciating yourself as you are is the best gift you can give yourself. Love will attract love.

Search your soul. Find your love. As in the end, it is the only thing that matters.


Healees and healers

When you help someone who is lost and confused;
When you hold someone who is sad and grieving;
When you hug someone who is unhappy and hopeless;
You too will feel healed and whole. ♥

~ Dr Jeff Mula

This I saw today on the lovely Facebook page of Back Towards Light and I started once again thinking about the new chosen career of mine. I was in London last weekend, attending the first ever IIN (Institution for Integrative Nutrition) conference outside US. We had a privilege of being only 100+ attendees this time, as normally it can be over 4000 in US in related conferences. It was extremely interesting and fascinating to meet Joshua Rosenthal, who is the founder of the school and the innovator for this kind of total healing process related to health coaching practise. We also had great speakers, like Gabrielle Bernstein who really blew my mind by raising my awareness on how to combine things you love into your practise, as well as Simon Brown, who makes it so simple for us to understand the connectedness of us all and everything in the universe.

What became apparent was that with every client and person we health coaches meet, we heal ourselves at the same time, all time long, and it is probably a lifetime journey. As even it may sound like an easy fix to correct your diet, there is always more to it in people's lives. Things may apparently show on the eating habit level but indicate something worth looking at more deeply. 

I started wondering why are we people so often so broken. Are we born in this world whole, and intact, and then get hurt, or do we carry wounds from previous lives, in order to grow and understand this reality we call life, this time on earth a bit more? Can be either way I think. But almost certain is that none of us survives without hurt in this life.

Inca healers believe, that when we are hurt enough, part of our soul is buried into the ground, deep down, where it can remain safe. It is awaiting there to come back to life, when we are ready. It may be that not in this life, but maybe in the following, or some lives after. Or even in this one, if we are courageous and patient enough to face our brokenness, be ready to heal ourselves and take a stand and effort for loving ourselves enough to feel hole again. That part of our soul or those hurt hidden parts are retrievable. With love and a bit of support we can do miracles with our own lives and become whole again.

This is what the whole coaching is about. Being there as a support, what ever may be or come. Love, listen, heal. And the best part is to heal at the same process yourself.

Message for me from a shop windon in London        


Takaovista - About Backdoors

Törmäsin mielenkiintoiseen asiaan toissaviikonloppuisella kurssilla.

Pidätkö sinäkin takaovea auki, kaiken varalta? Ihmissuhteissa, työssä, haaveissa, tavoitteissa?

Tajusin itse tehneeni tätä vähemmän tietoisesti aiemmin koko elämäni, varsinkin miessuhteissa ja töissä. Voisinko melkein sanoa etten ole koskaan sitoutunut tai kokenut olevani sitoutunut satakymmenprosenttisesti, syystä tai toisesta? Ei ihme että asiat eivät ole menneet niin kuin olen toivonut tai eivät olet tuntuneet siltä kuin olisin toivonut, syvällä sisimmässä. Enkö ole uskaltanut? Mitä jos yritän ihan kaikkeni ja menee pieleen?

Tajusin nanosekunnissa, että olemalla rehellinen itselleen, toiveilleen, sielulleen, tavoitteilleen, ja lähtemällä niitä kohti täysillä, ilman takaovea, on oikeastaan ainoa tapa päästä jonnekin tärkeään. Rohkeutta se vaatii kosolti, koska ei olekaan sitä aktiivista varaturvaverkkoa johon helposti laskeutua.

Laskelmointi ja taktikointi vie vain puolitiehen, jos sinnekään.

Mikä määrä energiaa vapautuu, kun keskittyykin tärkeään ja uskoo siihen.

Huomaatko sinä pitäväsi takaovea auki joissain asioissa?

Minä olen sulkenut niitä nyt aktiivisesti.
Olen matkalla, ja energisöitynyt.
Ilmankos elämä hymyilee, juuri nyt, ja aurinko paistaa.

Toivottavasti se hymyilee sinullekin !

<3   <3   <3   <3   <3   <3   <3   <3   <3    <3   <3   <3   <3   <3   <3

I started thinking of an interesting phenomenon during a great course I took previous weekend.

Do you have your backdoor open, just in case? In relationships, at work, in your dreams, in your goals in life?

I realized I have done this more or less consciously whole my life, especially when it comes to relationships with men, and work. Could I claim that I have never been fully committed, for a reason or other. No wonder things have not been going as I would have hoped for or felt as good as I had hoped for, deep down. Didn't I dare? What if I tried from the bottom of my heart and did not succeed?

I understood in a nanosecond, that the only way to reach somewhere truly meaningful is to be honest with one's self, dreams, soul, goals, and reaching out fully, without any backdoors. This requires courage, as there is not this kind of active safetynet on which to fall easily.

Calculating and maneuvering only takes you halfway, if even there.

What an amount of energy is freed, once you concentrate on the meaningful, and believe in it.

Do you recognize your own backdoors?

I recently have been closing them actively.
I am so energized and on my way.
Life is good to me and sun is shining.

I hope it shines for you, too!


Hyvinvoinnin anatomiasta - About the anatomy of well-being

Miten onkin niin, että joku ihminen voi syödä joidenkin mielestä suunnattoman epäterveellisesti, mutta voida silti äärimmäisen hyvin ja olla fyysisesti terve?

Miksi joku toinen, joka laskee joka kalorin, liikkuu superkurinalaisesti ja on muutenkin kaikin puolin kelpo kansalainen, ei voi hyvin ja on mahdollisesti sairaalloinenkin.

Tässä se juttu, miksi rakastuin opinahjooni, koska siellä jaotellaan ravintoa monenmoiseen kategoriaan; ei ole vain sitä ravintoa jota laitamme kurkusta alas, vaan myös niinkutsuttua ensisijaista ravintoa, joka on kaikki muu mitä meillä on ympärillä: ihmissuhteet, liikkuminen, henkisyys ja ura, itsemme toteuttaminen jne jne. Jännittävällä tavalla tämä kaikki muodostaa meidän ravinteemme tässä maailmassa, ja kokonaisuuden summa määrittää hyvinvointimme asteen.

Mitä enemmän olen tehnyt töitä ensisijaisen ravinteeni eteen, sitä onnellisempi olen.
Mielestäni tässä on joku juju.

Olen aloittamassa hyvinvointikonsulttina koska opiskeluni alkavat olla siinä jamassa että voin niin tehdä, ja suuri haaveeni on keskittyä nimenomaan tähän ensisijaiseen ravintoon, tietenkään unohtamatta perusravintotietoutta. Haluan eritoten auttaa kiireisiä tai stressaantuneita naisia löytämään tasapainon ja kuulemaan itseään suorittamisen viidakossa. Tosin en käännytä ovelta miespuolisiakaan itsensä etsijöitä tai parempaa ravintoa kaipaavia.

Elämä on jännittävää ja ihanaa !

Kurkista webbisivujani http://erja-jarvela.healthcoach.integrativenutrition.com/ , ne ovat viittä vaille valmiit, tai näillä nyt mennään tällä hetkellä. Voit downloadata myös ilmaiseksi loistavan kirjan "Feed your hunger for Health and Happiness", jonka on kirjoittanut kouluni perustaja Joshua Rosenthal.

Same in english;

How can it be, that someone, who eats fairly unhealthy, is feeling really great and is not falling ill, as someone being disciplined with calory calculations and food intake, does a lot of sports and is a "good citizen" in these means, can feel bad and actually be ill?

This is the dilemma why I love my school, as they have officially introduced the theory of primary and secondary food: primary food is actually all other stuff, the stuff that we do not swallow (at least physically :-)). Primary food is relationships, spirituality, movement (sports), career, self-fulfillment etc etc. In an exciting way the combination of everything actually provides us with the nutrition we need,  and the total wellness comes from the balance of these all, combined with secondary food.

Personally, the more I have worked with my primary food, the happier I have been in general. I think there is a clu in this.

I am just about to start my career as a health coach as my studies are at that point that it allows me to,  and my big dream is to focus on people's primary food, not to forget of course the secondary. I specifically want to reach out and help busy and stressed women, who are struggling to find balance in their life, or hear themselves in the execution of everyday routines. I will not turn down men, for that matter, who are seeking themselves or just more healthy nutrition.

Life is exciting and fantastic !

Have also a look at my website http://erja-jarvela.healthcoach.integrativenutrition.com/, the pages are just about to be ready. You can download free the excellent book "Feed your hunger with Health and Happiness", written by the founder of my school, Joshua Rosenthal.



Have you ever had that wonderful joyful feeling, when a spesifically good feeling totally fulfills you inside out, and you feel the joy and goodness trying to come out from your inside somehow and needs to be expressed.... :-)

I have it now.

It is total inner peace combined with happiness, being overly content exactly where you are, and feeling grateful for everything around. My home, my relationships. My friends. My hobbies, puppy, daughter, career, sports. Spirituality. New things in life. Choices in life, tough decisions, challenges, sorrows. All has been there and is there for a reason. And I am happy.

At the moment like this I tend to think that everything is possible in life, and I can become what I want to become, what I have been meant to become. I am so connected with universe. I am on a right track and this is leading me somewhere unknown, but for sure interesting and fun and exciting. The way is already like that! And it still gets better.

I just love feelings like this. Hope I remember it and I am able to return to it in the time of despair or disbelief as those are not unknown to me either.

Frank Sinatra is singing (just suits the mood :-))

Fairy tales can come true, it can happen to you
If you're young at heart.
For it's hard, you will find, to be narrow of mind
If you're young at heart.

You can go to extremes with impossible schemes.
You can laugh when your dreams fall apart at the seams.
And life gets more exciting with each passing day.
And love is either in your heart, or on it's way.

Don't you know that it's worth every treasure on earth
To be young at heart.
For as rich as you are, it's much better by far
To be young at heart.

And if you should survive to 105,
Look at all you'll derive out of being alive!
And here is the best part, you have a head start
If you are among the very young at heart.

Let's dream big !!! And become and be big, proudly.


Health with a pill?

I encountered an interesting article today.

It stated, that if there was a pill that would be claimed to prevent diseases, 64% of the readers of that magazine were eager to take that pill.  A bit of cholesterol prevention medicine, a bit of blood pressure prevention and aspirine, what else? 

Are we really trusting our health to a preventive pill (which is artificial by nature, nobody knows about the side effects etc etc...)?

Why do we think we are better in control of our life and illnesses that way, and why do we believe that everything is well when we think we control it with medicine? Interesting.

I earlier also read about a study/studies, with which it has been proven, that we actually can prevent specifically coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes significantly with a certain set of lifestyle and nutritional combination (there were other studies too but these were extremely specific).

If you are a non-smoker, your BMI is less than 25kg/m2, you exercise around half an hour a day, you are considered to be eating healthy (low in trans-fat, low glycogemic load, high fish, high fiber, high total folate and moderate alcohol consumption (1 drink max every other day). If people would live like this in general, 82 % of the coronary heart diseases would be avoidable (the best heart medicine prevents the disease only by 25 %). The same set applies with type 2 diabetes, except that with 92% of that disease could be avoided.

Isn't it interesting that in that study only 3.1% of the people fell into this kind of category, i.e. had the required balance in lifestyle.

I belive with nutrition and healthy habits we could prevent more diseases than with a pill.

What do you think?

Why is it difficult to be kind to your body (and soul) by nature, and prevent these things naturally as it is quite possible?


This is where it starts !! Welcome on board!

I am surpised and enthusiastic to realize how we are at the cutting edge of the whole health industry       (as we are on the cutting edge of quartal economy and its values but that's worth another blogging)!
But do these tie together somehow?  In my mind they do.
People are forced to think on their own behalf in corporate world today.
People have started thinking more and more on their own behalf in health related issues as well.

Research of nutrition is in the shoes of an infant today. Human body is really mysterious and wonderful. And how little do we know about it. And how little do we know about what is really affecting our health and how. Not to mention that all human bodies are unique. I must say it sure is interesting and just the right times to be on board studying all this!

I am so happy and priviledged to have found this community of holistic nutrition. It has unlimited number of paths I can follow and I just cannot believe all the exciting stuff it can lead me towards. I wanted to become a doctor when I was a kid, but now I know that this is the most interesting thing I can study right now: human health and healing, and the meaning of holistic nutrition to a person.

I want to grow to fully understand and explain  the holistic idea of health and wellness. I also want to make a difference in people's lives by giving something to think at least, maybe give a hint or two, or later really work together on  health matters in the long run. Balancing one's life with all requirements and own state of will, being true to one's self, right and energetic nutrition, meaning of primary foods (relationships, spirituality, exercise and career) in one's life, healing nutrition; all interesting stuff put together. In the future I would especially like to advice people who are in a hectic corporate life, finding their way to balance life, as I myself have been there and made my way through, working and performing as a single mom. And now starting something new for the rest of my life! I am so excited.

I have just started my journey visibly, but deep down this has been ongoing for years already.

Well-being of others and myself  has always been close to my heart. I hope you walk by my side here. I try to express my feelings and thoughts here in the blog and at some point soon establish my website and business as well.

This is my starting point, I am glad I can share it with you !

Picture from FB site "Concious Living"

Don't live safe, live true!!!

Btw, would you like to have this in finnish also?