
This is where it starts !! Welcome on board!

I am surpised and enthusiastic to realize how we are at the cutting edge of the whole health industry       (as we are on the cutting edge of quartal economy and its values but that's worth another blogging)!
But do these tie together somehow?  In my mind they do.
People are forced to think on their own behalf in corporate world today.
People have started thinking more and more on their own behalf in health related issues as well.

Research of nutrition is in the shoes of an infant today. Human body is really mysterious and wonderful. And how little do we know about it. And how little do we know about what is really affecting our health and how. Not to mention that all human bodies are unique. I must say it sure is interesting and just the right times to be on board studying all this!

I am so happy and priviledged to have found this community of holistic nutrition. It has unlimited number of paths I can follow and I just cannot believe all the exciting stuff it can lead me towards. I wanted to become a doctor when I was a kid, but now I know that this is the most interesting thing I can study right now: human health and healing, and the meaning of holistic nutrition to a person.

I want to grow to fully understand and explain  the holistic idea of health and wellness. I also want to make a difference in people's lives by giving something to think at least, maybe give a hint or two, or later really work together on  health matters in the long run. Balancing one's life with all requirements and own state of will, being true to one's self, right and energetic nutrition, meaning of primary foods (relationships, spirituality, exercise and career) in one's life, healing nutrition; all interesting stuff put together. In the future I would especially like to advice people who are in a hectic corporate life, finding their way to balance life, as I myself have been there and made my way through, working and performing as a single mom. And now starting something new for the rest of my life! I am so excited.

I have just started my journey visibly, but deep down this has been ongoing for years already.

Well-being of others and myself  has always been close to my heart. I hope you walk by my side here. I try to express my feelings and thoughts here in the blog and at some point soon establish my website and business as well.

This is my starting point, I am glad I can share it with you !

Picture from FB site "Concious Living"

Don't live safe, live true!!!

Btw, would you like to have this in finnish also?

1 kommentti:

  1. Erja! I love your blog, you write beautifully! I have no doubt in my mind that you are really going to mpact the lives of those around you by transforming their health... I'm your biggest fan yet - and you haven't even started! All my love and best wishes, Zee
