
About (my) Spirituality

Greetings from a superb trip from Peru. Here something I wrote on my monthly newsletter today.

I have not thought I am particularly spiritual. I know my view of life and the universe has changed quite a lot during recent years, and I figured it is because I have had time to reflect and think about life and our purpose here. I have also been commented lately that I carry a lot of light, a lot of good energy. I do not know if that earlier has been the case, but at least it is noticeable now in a way that people comment, and almost weekly. Has this something to do with spirituality? I think yes.
So what is it then that makes one "spiritual"? I have figured this is a difficult question to many, and in many occasions people rather skip this when raised (especially in corporate well-being settings). I also got a comment recently from a person that he "would not get my spirituality ever, as he is not religious". Wow, that struck me. I need to express here specifically that my spirituality has nothing to do with religion(s). Religions mostly claim that a person is small and sinful, and somebody from up above may save you (and that you are sinful by nature). Or that you need to behave in a certain way to "earn" a better life in the future. I do not believe that one bit. I believe we all carry the good within, and can express it. The more we find it within, the better place the world is. It is also unity with the world, not separation. To be able to express love is spirituality, to me.
My healing practises and how I started practising this relate to growing into being a conscious human, in many levels. Firstly it has meant that I had to look deep and hard into my own wounds and issues in this life and acknowledge those. What then followed was that I was able to turn those into my strengths and learn the related healing techniques so that I am able to help others, too. These are thousands of years old healing wisdom, methods and rituals of Andean people, which recently have been exposed to western knowledge. Spiritual, yes, if spirituality is understood in a broad meaning of including a bit of understanding or an attempt to understand everything we cannot see with our eyes and reason with our logical brain (our brain, the rational one handles only 10% of the overall information). Just surrender to what is and can be.
I know time is not only linear; I know there are other realms than our current physical world ; I know energy is as real as matter; I know universe is there for us; I relate to nature and all physical beings here and nature is of outmost importance to me; I hear or sense more than is said; I know we live many lives. Do I understand all paranormal phenomenon or get what all people are doing in this field? Definitely no. I just know that there is a lot to understand and learn, and let all of us be as we are. Life is precious as it is and we are all given an opportunity to live the fullest life we are able to.
I also know from my holistic well-being studies that some form of spirituality is an essential part of the total well-being. What are the ways you can relate to this?
Found this recently, this might give an idea also, if you are struggling with the meaning.
20 signs you are a spiritually healthy person
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Book a free initial health consultation with me at mixingnuts@gmail.com
Or book an energy healing session in case interested!
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