
Healees and healers

When you help someone who is lost and confused;
When you hold someone who is sad and grieving;
When you hug someone who is unhappy and hopeless;
You too will feel healed and whole. ♥

~ Dr Jeff Mula

This I saw today on the lovely Facebook page of Back Towards Light and I started once again thinking about the new chosen career of mine. I was in London last weekend, attending the first ever IIN (Institution for Integrative Nutrition) conference outside US. We had a privilege of being only 100+ attendees this time, as normally it can be over 4000 in US in related conferences. It was extremely interesting and fascinating to meet Joshua Rosenthal, who is the founder of the school and the innovator for this kind of total healing process related to health coaching practise. We also had great speakers, like Gabrielle Bernstein who really blew my mind by raising my awareness on how to combine things you love into your practise, as well as Simon Brown, who makes it so simple for us to understand the connectedness of us all and everything in the universe.

What became apparent was that with every client and person we health coaches meet, we heal ourselves at the same time, all time long, and it is probably a lifetime journey. As even it may sound like an easy fix to correct your diet, there is always more to it in people's lives. Things may apparently show on the eating habit level but indicate something worth looking at more deeply. 

I started wondering why are we people so often so broken. Are we born in this world whole, and intact, and then get hurt, or do we carry wounds from previous lives, in order to grow and understand this reality we call life, this time on earth a bit more? Can be either way I think. But almost certain is that none of us survives without hurt in this life.

Inca healers believe, that when we are hurt enough, part of our soul is buried into the ground, deep down, where it can remain safe. It is awaiting there to come back to life, when we are ready. It may be that not in this life, but maybe in the following, or some lives after. Or even in this one, if we are courageous and patient enough to face our brokenness, be ready to heal ourselves and take a stand and effort for loving ourselves enough to feel hole again. That part of our soul or those hurt hidden parts are retrievable. With love and a bit of support we can do miracles with our own lives and become whole again.

This is what the whole coaching is about. Being there as a support, what ever may be or come. Love, listen, heal. And the best part is to heal at the same process yourself.

Message for me from a shop windon in London